Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Check out Mrs. Nesbitt's blog to see more ABC posts!

ABC Wednesday! O is for Obedience

Whenever you can take the Opportunity to be Obedient. My lady asked me to be gentle with the puppies so I was

She asked me to say please before I got the treat.

She asked me to get my paws dried before I came in.

In my experience, being Obedient is often the right thing to do. When asked to come, come.
Take today to take the Opportunity to be Obedient, even if you don't want to be!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Caption the funny pic!

At Dogster Blog join in the fun and come up with a funny caption for my lady's pic of an Irish Wolfhound giving a great big slurpy kiss to his human!

No Escape!

Sometimes one just has to be patient. I knew the lady wanted a picture of Pilgrim and me together.

She grabbed the camera, and Pilgrim decided to take the opportunity to show his true colors.

Notice I now have my ears back , his paws are up in the air and he is rolling over.

Next thing I know I am being attacked. Sometimes I wish I was a bit bigger!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ABC Wednesday! Notoriously Noisy Neighbor

I swear I am innocent. It isn't me that is the notoriously noisy neighbor.

This is my friend Snaffle. When she comes to visit , she often barks at toys,

Things happening out the window and just about anything she needs to alert the humans to.

So I am not the notorously noisy neighborhor, unless the squirrel dares to run up the tree!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day is today!

Sometimes I am so sad! Thinking about the way the humans treat the Earth can be very depressing. Today is Earth Day, and I hope the humans that read this post do something to help with the environment today. It doesn't need to be a big thing, something as small as drying your laundry outside today is a beginning. Turn off the lights you don't need, get out and walk instead of using a treadmill.

One dog named Eddie is doing his part! He lost his bird buddy to teflon poisoning and became an activist. Visit his website , Pets for the Environment to learn what you can do to help!

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Vegetable a day!

I find eating vegetables is very good for me. I love carrots, they are low in calories and they just taste good. Get your owner to give you a carrot today and maybe they will improve their health by eating one themselves!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Winner at Dogster!

Surf on over to Dogster to see who won the caption contest that featured one of the pictures from my lady's book Salty Dogs. They had over 100 entries and the winning caption was too funny! Once you get to dogster, click on blog to see the winning catption.
Oh , the lady is on a working vacation and left me behind so she wont be posting much. I hope she at least brings me some treats!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Pilgrim is good for something!

I finally found a use for the annoying cat. Pilgrim , I hate to admit it, has quite a good nose for the rodents. Here he discovered the rascally rodent first, then let me watch the hunt!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My friend Tia at the beach!

YOu kow how much I love the beach from my posts but my friend Tia , the Boston Terrier also loves the beach. Not all of us dogs love the beach in the same way. I love to dig but Tia wouldnt like the sand in her nose. She prefers to sit around and look pretty. Whatever floats your boat I always say!

Get a Voki now!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Peaceful Trio! Cat, Rat and Dog video

Watch this video to see how a cat , rat and dog can get along!

Signed copies of Salty Dogs giveaway!

Wake up Sleepy Head! It is Monday morning , time to get going . You might want to start your day by surfing over to the 4 for the Love of Animals blog .They are giving away signed copies of Salty Dogs, including my signature and pawprint! Leave a comment about how your salty dog loves the beach and you might just win a copy!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Harold was happily playing with his toy, well actually if I get picky I will point out it was my toy BP(before Pilgrim), when I came into the room. I became his object of attention!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

New review of Salty Dogs! Click to read all about it!

A new review of Salty Dogs done by Brian Lowney is at
South Coast Today online. Click to read all about it!
If you can head to the beach today, me I am stuck in the mountains but plan on getting out to hunt the varmits!

Friday, April 4, 2008


My policy is to enjoy life. We don't know what is around the bend, things can change in a hurry.
So, go ahead and lick that ice cream bowl!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New contest with the Lady's photos!

Visit For the Love of Dogs blog at Dogster to see the photo caption contest. My lady is doing the pics and they promise to be funny! You can enter your caption today!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

ABC Wednesday! K is for Kindness

One of the Keys to happiness is being Kind to others. It doesn't matter if they are red,

it doesn't matter if they are small,

it doesn't matter if they are tall. We are all in this together, so be kind to all you encounter today.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Have a Sense of Humor!

For April's Fool Day, my lady decided I needed a tail. Most JRTs have their tails docked when they are puppies. She found this tail and made it look like it was mine. As you can see I wasn't too fond of the idea, but I went along. It is best to have a sense of humor about things you cant control!