Wednesday, November 7, 2007

ABC Wednesday! Getting ____??

I feel ___, oh so _____, I feel ____, and witty and gay!
While my friends might sing this song, I am grateful I am a wash and wear kind of dog!
Getting ______ requires quite a bit of ________, in my estimation.
If this be your fate in life, you will just have to accept the good with the ugly , or should I say bad!


WalksFarWoman said...

Aw, how we ladies suffer for the sake of beauty. :) My dog won't talk to me for days when I take her to be groomed.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the tribulations of being gorgeous.

My Poodles love the attention lavished on them by the groomer. It's probably the countless centuries of Poodles being clipped and fou fou'ed that has bred out the ones who don't care for that sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

Haha that is some crazy photos there.
Very nice

AVCr8teur said...

Those doggies are sure getting primped and proper.

mrsnesbitt said...

I spend an hour each afternoon grooming Elsie, she is moulting! Pure bliss! LOL!